Mantled monkey
We are delighted that Jan Macke has taken over the sponsorship of the mantled monkey(Colobus guereza).
"Colobus monkey", "guereza", "black and white snub-nosed monkey" or "mantled monkey" - the striking tree dweller of the rainforests and secondary forests from Nigeria to Tanzania has many names. "Mantelaffe" is probably the most memorable, as the animals were hunted intensively, especially at the beginning of the 20th century, for their beautiful fur, the white back of which itself forms a kind of cape - for the international fashion market. At that time, elegant "ladies of the world" liked to wear a coat or other fashion accessories made from the fur of this primate species.
Fortunately, this is no longer the case today and the colobus monkey is not yet on the International Red List of Threatened Species. Locally, however, the species is partially threatened by habitat destruction and poaching. In addition to humans, crowned eagles and chimpanzees (!) are among the colobus monkey's main enemies. Females with young in particular have to be wary of the apes, which sometimes hunt monkeys and other larger vertebrates.