We are delighted that the Bonn and Rhine-Sieg District Employers' Association has taken over the sponsorship of the serval (Leptailurus serval).
The serval, which belongs to the cat family, has colonised large areas of the African continent. It can be found from Nigeria to Ethiopia, from there via Kenya and Angola all the way down to South Africa.
A special feature of the serval is its ears, which are larger than those of any other cat. Acoustic orientation plays a decisive role in hunting. The serval's prey spectrum includes birds, lizards, snakes, frogs, insects and mammals. Sometimes it even overpowers medium-sized antelopes, but it mainly feeds on small mammals.
Hyenas are among the biggest enemies of solitary servals. They also have to be wary of larger predators such as leopards. During the first four to five weeks, the offspring are often hidden by the mother in the abandoned burrows of aardvarks or porcupines. The mother only visits her young to feed and suckle during this time.