Noble butterfly
We are delighted that Clara Hürter has taken on the sponsorship of the Charaxes lycurgus butterfly.
The basic colour of this butterfly is black, with a row of light blue spots on the edge of the hind and front wings (male). The wingspan is approx. 6 cm.
The butterflies live in dense forests and along rivers and can be found at altitudes of up to approx. 1200 metres. The butterfly is relatively tolerant of terrain and can also be seen on agricultural land such as cocoa plantations, where the males of these butterflies like to fly along riverbeds in search of otter or bird droppings from which they absorb salts and minerals.
Their range extends from Sierra Leone to the Central African Republic, Angola (north), Democratic Republic of Congo to Sudan (south), Uganda (west) and Tanzania (west).
This species is endangered due to the destruction of the rainforests.