Das Leibniz-Institut zur Analyse des Biodiversitätswandels

ist ein Forschungsmuseum der Leibniz Gemeinschaft

Publikationsverzeichnis der ZFMK-Mitarbeitenden


Paraskevopoulou Sofia, Käfer Simon, Zirkel Florian, Donath Alexander, Petersen Malte, Liu Shanlin, Zhou Xin, Drosten Christian, Misof Bernhard, Junglen Sandra, Viromics of extant insect orders unveil the evolution of the flavi-like superfamily, Virus Evolution, 2021;, veab030, https://doi.org/10.1093/ve/veab030
Mengual, X., Gimnich, F., Petersen, H., Astrin, J. J. (2021): Natural history wet collections: observations on pH readings from the use of different ethanol and label types. - Collection Forum (2019) 33 (1): 7-17.
Vujić, A., Tot, T., Andrić, A., Ačanski, J., Šašić Zorić, L., Pérez-Bañón, C., Aracil, A., Veselić, S., Arok, M., Mengual, X., van Eck, A., Rojo, S., Radenković, S. (2021): Review of the Merodon natans group with description of a new species, a key to the adults of known species of the natans lineage and first descriptions of some preimaginal stages. - Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny 79: 343-378.
Egli, L., Schröter, M., Scherber, C. et al. Crop diversity effects on temporal agricultural production stability across European regions. Reg Environ Change 21, 96 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10113-021-01832-9
Ahrens, D. (2021): New species of the genus Gynaecoserica from Indochina (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Sericini).- Zootaxa 5005 (2): 218–226.
Ahrens, D. (2021): New Sericini from the Zoological Institute St. Petersburg (Insecta: Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). p 427-433.- In: Hartmann, M., Barclay, M. & Weipert, J. (eds.): Biodiversität und Naturausstattung im Himalaya VII. - Erfurt 2021
Leese F., Sander M., Buchner D., Elbrecht V., Haase P., Zizka V.M.A. (2021). Improved freshwater macroinvertebrate detection from environmental DNA through minimized nontarget amplification. Environmental DNA, 00:1-16. DOI: 10.1002/edn3.177
Pacheco, T.L., Monné, M.L., Vaz-de-Mello, F.Z. Ahrens, D. (2021): Revision of type specimens of Astaena (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Sericini) described by L.W. Saylor.- European Journal of Taxonomy 750: 94–123.
Leidenberger S, Muhammed I, Bourlat SJ (2021) Why are so many Northern European aquatic invertebrates missing in red-listing and how can we improve assessments for those? ARPHA Conference Abstracts 4: e64822. https://doi.org/10.3897/aca.4.e64822
Wachkoo, A. A., Van Steenis, J., Maqbool, A., Akbar, S. A., Skevington, J. H., Mengual, X. (2021): Two flower fly species (Diptera: Syrphidae) new to India. - Journal of Insect Biodiversity 29: 44-52.
Gonçalves, A. R., Grootaert, P., Andrade, R., Paulo, O. S., Mengual, X. (2021): Revision of the morphology, phylogenetic relationships, behaviour and diversity of the Iberian and Italian ant-like Tachydromia Meigen, 1803 (Diptera: Hybotidae). - European Journal of Taxonomy 732(1): 1-56.
Ahrens, D. & Pham, P. (2021): Additions to the Neoserica calva group from continental South East Asia (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae: Sericini).- Zootaxa 5032: 357-378.
Lillo, I., Pérez-Bañón, C., Arcaya, E., Mengual, X., Rojo, S. (2021): First data about the preimaginal morphology of Austroscaeva occidentalis (Shannon, 1927) and re-description of larvae and pupae of Dioprosopa clavata (Fabricius, 1794) (Diptera: Syrphidae). - Austral Entomology, 60: 535– 548.
Wegner, F., Roloff, T., Huber, M., Cordey, S., Ramette, A., Gerth, Y., Bertelli, C., Stange, M., Seth-Smith, H., Mari, A., Leuzinger, K., Cerutti, L., Harshman, K., Xenarios, I., Le Mercier, P., Bittel, P., Neuenschwander, S., Opota, O., Fuchs, J., Panning, M., … Egli, A. (2021). External quality assessment of SARS-CoV-2-sequencing: An ESGMD-SSM pilot trial across 15 European laboratories. Journal of clinical microbiology, JCM0169821. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1128/JCM.01698-21
Gassmann, D. (2021): Der Ruf der Libelle – ein Expeditionsbericht. - Science Notes - Das Magazin für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft 6: 16–23.
Albrecht J, Peters MK, Becker JN, Behler C, Classen A, Ensslin A, Ferger SW, Gebert F, Gerschlauer F, Helbig-Boniz M, Kindeketa W, Kühnel A, Mayr AV, Njovu HK, Pabst H, Pommer U, Röder J, Rutten G, Schellenberger Costa D, Sierra-Cornejo N, Vogeler A, Vollstädt MGR, Dulle HI, Eardley CD, Howell KM, Keller A, Peters RS, Kakengi V, Hemp C, Zhang J, Manning P, Mueller T, Bogner C, Böhning-Gaese K, Brandl R, Hertel D, Huwe B, Kiese R, Kleyer M, Leuschner C, Kuzyakov Y, Nauss T, Tschapka M, Fischer M, Hemp A, Steffan-Dewenter I, Schleuning M (2021) Species richness is more important for ecosystem functioning than species turnover along an elevational gradient. Nature Ecology and Evolution. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41559-021-01550-9
Quah, E., Lwin, K., Cota, M., Grismer, L., Neang, T., Wogan, G., McGuire, ... A. Koch (2021): Common Water Monitor – Varanus salvator. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2021
Fabrizi, S., Liu, W.G., Bai, M., Yang, X.K., Ahrens, D. (2021) A monograph of the genus Maladera of China (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Sericini). Zootaxa 4922 (1): 1–400.
Jaume-Schinkel, J. (2021): New geographical records of Mesembrinellidae (Diptera: Oestroidea) in Mexico. - Revista Chilena de Entomología 47(4): 741-746.
Elbrecht V, Bourlat SJ, Hörren T, Lindner A, Mordente A, Noll NW, Schäffler L, Sorg M, Zizka VMA. 2021. Pooling size sorted Malaise trap fractions to maximize taxon recovery with metabarcoding. PeerJ 9:e12177 https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.12177


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